Sunday, October 12, 2014

Offline Video

Ever needed an online video to be available on your mobile phone for later use?

You can simply go to the link here to download the firefox tools

Useful for:
downloading of the video from youtube, MySpace, Google videos, DailyMotion, Porkolt, iFilm, DreamHost and others.

Once installed on your FIREFOX Browser, you will see the icon on the bar.

It will be greyed-out, when no video for the webpage, but will turned colored as below when video is available for downloading. 

User manual, click here

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing?
Cloud computing as it's name suggest is about putting your computer (CPU, RAM and HDD) onto the internet allowing you to access it anytime, anywhere.

So what is the real deal?
1. Business Owner
  • Centralized your files
  • Ease of management
  • Scale as your business requires it
  • Pay for what you really need
2. Home/Freelance user
  • Small initial start-up cost
  • Pay for what you really need
All hosting of servers, are customized according to what is required.
Think of the cloud computing as an Enterprise Infrastructure
  • 24 x 7 available.
  • World-class support services

Click here for Singapore users, who are interested in getting cloud computing.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Encryption? Yes or No?

Are you protecting your valuable data from any potential harm?

If no, maybe you should start at least the minimum protection that comes with Windows 7 and 8.

So what does encryption do?
Encryption helps to scramble the data ensuring that no one else except the owner can open and read the data.

Only the owner will have the key to unscramble it and use the data.

If you have question on how to do it, we can do it for you. Just email us

Friday, August 15, 2014

Is your Windows Licensing right for you?

2 Types of Windows License
1. OEM - industry acronym for Original Equipment Manufacturer.
2. Open license

OEM are shipped / pre-installed together with your hardware and they can only exist in that piece of hardware. Any transfer of that license to other machine for usage is considered ILLEGAL.

Existing Motherboard died - requires buying new OEM license

When to use Open license?
With current virtualization and many enterprises going to cloud. It is more economical and cost saving to purchase open license.

- You are able to transfer the Windows License over to the virtual machine and de-commissioned the old physical one. Do not have to buy new license!

If you are interested to virtualized your machine, please email to find out more.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Still using Windows XP?

If you are reading this post, it means you are thinking of migrating to Windows 7.

This is where we can help.

Basically, there are several ways to do this.
1. Do an in-place upgrade from XP to 7. (Rem to transfer your important document to a temporary holding area, else during the upgrade, there may be data loss. You will have a hard time doing data recovery.)
2. Do a fresh Windows 7 install and fresh install of your application (Highly recommended)

If you like to know more, drop us an email We have the resource to help you migrate with ease.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Data Integrity? Ever thought of that?

How are you handling your data as of now?

Is it accessible to everyone including people that are not within your organization?

How are you protecting your data?

Up to what extend, do you consider your data to be protected?

Data at rest and Data in motion, ever consider how to protect it?

Your employee losing the laptop and your competitor picks up and found valuable information that they used it to your disadvantage.

What are you going to do?

Offsite = Bring home backup tapes useful?

Are you diligently bringing home your server backup tape?

Is it really useful? Don't think so.

Basically, server is gone, that includes your tape library, your backup catalog.
Ever thought of how you are going to restore the data and to where?

Contact to help design your system.